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In the Speaking test, you will have a discussion with an examiner. It will be interactive and similar to a real life situation. You will be with the examiner for 11- 14 minutes and the test will be recorded. Depending on the center, this part of the test will be on the same day of the others or on a different day.

The test is divided into 3 parts:

Part 1
The Examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes.

Part 2
You will be given a card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic to finish this part of the test.

Part 3

You will be asked further questions connected to the topic in Part 2. These questions will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issue. The part of the test lasts between four and five minutes.

Follow our hints and be sure to make the most of the Speaking Test in IELTS:

  • Be spontaneous
  • Check pronunciation
  • Try to relax and show confidence
  • Develop your answers
  • Ask for clarification when necessary
  • Do not memorize prepared answers; the examiner may spot this and change the question
  • Speak more than the examiner
  • The examiner’s questions are predictable; practice at home
  • Practice with other candidates
  • Chat in English
  • Record yourself while practicing – it may help you improve your answers
  • Listen to the radio, podcasts
  • Revise vocabulary on everyday topics
  • Give relevant information and expand on your answers with details.
  • Use the short answer – expand strategy. It means start answering the question directly, but expand on your answers, by giving further explanations or providing examples.
  • Do not worry or panic if you cannot remember a particular word.
  • Avoid repeating the language of the question at the beginning of your answer.
  • Give answers you would in an interview.
  • Practice making effective notes on sample questions and practice – it will be very helpful for part 2
  • Speak to yourself for 1 to 2 minutes using sample cards and notes you’ve made. Make sure your notes give you enough to say. Record yoursefl doing a Part 2 for two minutes. When you listen to the recording, ask yourself:
    • Am I using a range of grammar and vocabulary?
    • Am I using it accurately?
    • Is my pronunciation clear?
    • Do I speak at a normal speed?
    • Do I develop and extend ideas well?
  • Check out the collection of videos by the British Council, in which candidates tell the viewer how they prepared for the IELTS test and give some personal suggestions:


  • There are IELTS Speaking tests simulations on Youtube. They might be helpful when preparing for the exam.
  • Check out this Speaking Practice Test (with audio) by the British Council. Practice with a study partner or with your teacher.


We hope those tips will help you when taking your test.

Study hard and stay tuned!

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Sobre o autor

Bruna Caltabiano

Fundadora e Diretora Acadêmica da Caltabiano Idiomas. Formada em Psicologia pela Universidade Mackenzie. Possui certificados da Universidade de Cambridge, atestando  proficiência do idioma Inglês (CPE) e conhecimento didático e metodológico (ICELT e DELTA Module 1), dentre outros.  É também examinadora oral dos testes Cambridge ESOL. Ministra palestras para professores em eventos nacionais e internacionais, sobre temas relacionados à metodologia, didática, desenvolvimento profissional, coordenação e projetos acadêmicos. É membro do conselho do grupo de interesses especiais de Liderança e Gerenciamento de instituições de ensino da Associação Brasileira do Ensino do Inglês para falantes de outros idiomas (BRAZ-TESOL). Atualmente, ela desenvolve projetos de consultoria para startups, auxiliando empreendedores na preparação de pitches e a melhorarem a comunicação em inglês antes da ida ao Vale do Silício.

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